Promise Keeper's Podcast
Welcome to our podcast, where we are dedicated to advocating, educating, and raising awareness for veterans' issues. Join us as we provide outreach on PTSD, suicide prevention, and drug and alcohol education, while extending support to veterans and their families within our community. Each episode will feature guests who have firsthand experience as veterans, ensuring no aspect of their journey goes unexplored. With unwavering commitment, we'll strive to fulfill our mission, leaving no stone unturned in our quest to support veterans on the home front. Join us as we work tirelessly to Keep the Promise.
Promise Keeper's Podcast
Understanding Veterans Benefits and Resources with Major Tim Booth
In this episode of the Promise Keepers Podcast, we welcome Major Tim Booth, the Director of Veterans Affairs for Lackawanna County, and a 20-year Army National Guard veteran. The discussion focuses on the importance of cooperation and partnerships in supporting veterans, understanding the difference between the Veterans Affairs and Veterans Administration, and the various benefits and programs available to veterans. The episode emphasizes the need for veterans to be proactive in seeking help and provides insights into navigating the system of benefits, including compensation, pension, and educational resources. The hosts and guests share personal anecdotes and stress the importance of community and teamwork in addressing the needs of veterans and their families.